Does your kitchen look like Julia Child or the Galloping Gourmet might have filmed an episode in it? Nothing has changed in there since the 1960’s, except that its grown grimier! If that’s the case, it’s time to do some remodeling!
Sometimes a good cleaning just isn’t enough
Sure, you keep your kitchen spic and span, and it could probably pass a health inspection (well, maybe with a bit more tidying up…), but the years have taken their toll. The appliances look like they made it through The Big One, the tiles have lost their shine, the linoleum floor resembles the Lunar surface, and the pea green and orange colour scheme went out of style with lava lamps. Time to upgrade!
Start with the surfaces
Your kitchen is a room much like any other, walls and a floor, but with the addition of counter tops. These comprise the stage your culinary dramas take place on, so let’s bring them into the 21st century! Replace that dirty old linoleum floor with natural stone, terracotta, marble, or even wood to put your new kitchen on a good footing. The same materials can be used for the counter tops, so its easy to give your kitchen a cohesive look. Now for the walls. Maybe those tiles are still in good shape, it’s just that their colors are all wrong for today’s more stylish culinary space. An alternative to replacement is to use a tile paint which provide a long-lasting, easy to clean surface. There is a wide range of colour choices available, so you can match the rest of your kitchen’s new decor with ease.
Applying the appliances
When was the last time you cleaned out your refrigerator? If it was long enough ago that you can no longer tell if that brown square lurking in the back is meat or cake, it’s time to just chuck the whole thing and start over. While you’re at it, why not replace all your tired old appliances and start fresh with new, improved, modern gear? Going this route will ensure that they all match your revitalized decor and colour scheme, plus they will inspire your home’s chefs to concoct their greatest culinary masterpieces yet!
So, why toil over that old stove in a dingy kitchen a moment longer? Your kitchen remodel will look great, and I bet it will make everything taste great, too!