When it comes to living room decor, a floor covering is something you will notice a lot.But do you know that there are different types of floor coverings for the space? Often, you’re not even aware that there is a huge difference between the carpets and rugs that you get for your home. And if you are considering installing one of these in your home on your living room floor, such as a round carpet or a rectangular area rug, these are some of the key differences that you should be aware of.
- Definition – The first thing you should be aware of when differentiating between a carpet and a rug is their definitions. An area rug is a floor covering that is often in a small shape or size and only needs to be installed in a certain area to cover it. While a carpet can be called a larger covering of your floor, it is mostly a wall to wall layering of the floor, often installed with the help of tape or glue.
- The maintaining task – It is natural to understand that both the carpets and the area rugs require some kind of cleanliness and maintenance to retain their beauty and longer their lives. However, your carpets are pretty easy to maintain, as the material is very thin and they are very vacuum friendly. However, your area rugs require a bit more care when cleaning and maintaining them. As per the type of fabric you are choosing for your floor rugs, it is essential that you follow the instructions given for cleaning and maintaining it.
- Durability – Now, let’s talk about the most important thing that you think about when choosing an area rug or a carpet for your living room. It is their durability. The longer life of the rugs or carpets ensures that you have to spend less on their maintenance and purchase later. Well, area rugs can be a tough covering for your floor, but they are not as long lasting as carpets are. Furthermore, these carpets are very tough, and they can accommodate an active lifestyle for them pretty easily as compared to the area rugs.
- Beauty and aesthetics – The aesthetics and beauty of your living space are also essential criteria to consider when choosing an area rug or carpet for your house. Remember, there are different varieties of carpet, like a round carpet, a rectangular one, and those in different materials and colours. So, you have a great deal of options when you consider carpet as your floor covering. But this doesn’t mean that you are short on options when you opt for area rugs. These are also available in a round in shape, just like your round carpet and the different materials, colours and patterns in them also make them a perfect choice for your living space.
Now that you know all the essential differences and similarities between a carpet and an area rug, we hope that it is easy for you to choose the best one for your living space.